SSR met at the Borchers' residence at 6pm on Tuesday, September 29. Present were Brian Borchers, Sue Borchers, Lynette Napier, Harold Udseth, Robert Abernathy, and Kyle Foster.
1. The most important issues facing SSR in the next few months are the selection of officers for 2016 and the decision to continue or discontinue the Socorro Chile Harvest Triathlon. Lynette and I have stepped in as interim vice president and president, and we want very much for the club to continue, but we're not going to make any decision about the triathlon as interim officers. This will be left to the new officers elected at the December meeting.
2. We discussed nominations for officers. Harold is willing to continue as treasurer, but Lynette and Brian do not want to continue as vice president and president. It is critical that some members of the club step up and volunteer or nominate other candidates for these officer positions. If you're interested, or if you have someone that you want to nominate, please contact me. I'll be happy to explain exactly what's involved.
3. We discussed the upcoming fall series of 5K races. See the flyer here. Robert Abernathy is directing the race series. The first race is coming up on Saturday, October 3. The final race of the series on December 5 will end at the Napier home on Tech hill, and we'll have our end of year party and meeting at the Napier's place.
4. Harold discussed the 2015 Chile Harvest Tri finances. The final bills are not all in, but it appears that overall we will have a loss of about $500 on the event.
5. We discussed the recent Run For Your Life event that SSR helped Presbyterian with. There were over 100 runners in the 5K, and the event was a great success.
6. We discussed some other upcoming events not sponsored by SSR, including the Owl Bar run on October 9, a Zombie themed run at NMT to be held on October 30, and the Toys for Tots run to be held at Christmas time. We'll try to keep you informed about these sorts of events in Socorro.
7. Lynette told us about a recent meeting of the Socorro County Options, Prevention and Education (SCOPE) health education group where plans for a network of trails in and around Socorro were discussed. Planning is under way for a bicycle, running, and walking trail nconnecting the hospital, soccer complex, and the new rodeo complex. This trail would eventually connect to another bike route to Clarke field and possibly to another planned trail along the river levee.
8. We discussed the issue of whether SSR has become too much of a running club and how we might develop more cycling activities for the club. If you have any ideas in this area, please let us know!
- Brian Borchers, interim president
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