SSR met at the Borchers residence at 3pm on Saturday, November 19, 2016. Present were Brian Borchers, Sue Borchers, Harold Udseth, John Leeper, Beth Cadol, and Lynette Napier.
1. We discussed plans for the 5K race on December 10. This event will be held in conjunction with the Toys for Tots run. The race will start at the Socorro Plaza rather than our usual starting location at the EMRTC snake. The course will be similar to the course used for "Run For Your Life." SSR members who have already joined the fall running series can run the race for free, but we'd encourage you to bring a toy to donate. We will prepare a separate set of results for participants in the fall running series to count towards the final standings in that series.
2. We discussed plans for the annual meeting and Christmas party. This will be after the 5K race at 11am on Saturday, December 10, at John Leeper's residence, 700 Leroy Place in Socorro. The party is pot luck, but SSR will supply drinks and utensils.
3. The main item of business at the annual meeting is the election of officers for 2017. John Leeper was nominated for president. Harold Udseth was nominated for Treasurer. We still need a volunteer to step up for the vice president position. VP is a good position for someone who would like to become more involved in the club but hasn't been an officer before.
4. We had an extended discussion of the triathlon and whether we should continue the event. There's wide spread agreement that the event is a good thing for Socorro and that it can be a useful fund raiser for SSR. However, there is some risk of actually losing money on the event and many of our long time volunteers are not as willing to help as in the past. Last year, we contracted with a race director, and there was general agreement that this was helpful. John Leeper is willing to take the lead on organizing the event in 2017 and he will contact our race director from last year to come up with a proposal for how to run next year's race. We have not made a final decision on this, but we would like to make our decision at the December meeting.
5. Lynette Napier volunteered to direct the spring race series, but she will need some help. Please let us know about any important conflicts with other events (such as AYSO soccer, science fair, etc.) I'd like to try to set dates for the spring series at the meeting in December. We also discussed trying to have races at some different locations such as the city soccer complex.
6. We are still conducting an online survey of the membership. Please give us your feedback about what you would like SSR to focus on in the future. The survey is at:
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